The school who is not yet registered with U-DISE and is interested in getting U-DISE code has to visit to search the school using "Locate School" option.
Method 1:Self registration for getting U-DISE code is now available through a web portal School Directory Management System (SDMS) . Using the portal schools can register themselves. This portal is intended for the schools where the Head Master should provide the school related details in case they have not been providing the data to the State Government under SSA and RMSA schemes or they are not covered under U-DISE. The U-DISE code will be generated after approval from Block/District MIS looking after U-DISE.
Method 2:
1. Visit the nearest Cluster Resource Centre - CRC (if you are aware of CRC) or visit the nearest Block Education Office (Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan - SSA or Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan - RMSA)
2. Fill the basic details about the school in the U-DISE Data Capture Format (DCF). Submit the filled in DCF to the Block MIS official looking after U-DISE. Click here to get the U-DISE Data Capture Format (DCF)...
3. Block MIS will create the U-DISE code based on the authenticity of the School and its data submitted in the DCF.
4. District MIS official looking after U-DISE need to give his consent/approval for generating the U-DISE Code.
If you do not find your school in the website then you can also contact the given below officers in the respective states.